Boulder American Legion Post 10 Trap League
• Open to the public. 6 week Trap league. 6 teams max.
• 100 targets will be shot. 50 at 16 yard and 50 at handicap yardage determined by 16 yard score. A green target will be thrown at random. If hit, the shooter will receive a shoot token.
• League Dates - March 17, March 24, March 31, April 7, April 14, April 21 and April 28 with a free fun shoot and picnic on April 30. Trap is closed to the public on these dates.
• Two teams will shoot in 2 hour time slots and score for other team when not shooting. 10 am-noon, noon-2pm, 2pm-4pm if we get 6 teams. If not we will read just times.
• Cost $30 per week per shooter.
• Teams are responsible for 5 shooters each week. They can use subs if needed.
• If you would like to add a team call American Legion Post 10.
The Boulder American Legion offers a Trap Shooting Range available for public use. Costs are $8.00 per round of 25 targets, and four rounds for $30.00. Tokens are purchased at the range. One token is used for a round of trap (25 targets.) The range is open every Saturday and Sunday at 12 noon (holidays excluded). In the summer, it also opens at 4:00 pm on Wednesday nights. Shooters supply the ammo and shotgun. There is a 20-gauge shotgun available for kids and lady shooters. The Trap Shooting Range is located behind the American Legion Post 10 in Boulder, Colorado. Click on the Map page for directions.
Please be aware that special functions are scheduled periodically. Also posted on the board at the range.
Shooting Range Rules:
1. Sign up for shooting with scorer between rounds only.
2. Ear and eye protection is strongly recommended. You assume all responsibility for any injury that you incur by not wearing adequate eye and ear protection.
3. Gun action must be kept open at all times except when on firing line.
4. A gun may only be loaded at designated firing points when it is that shooter's turn to shoot.
5. Load only one shell at a time except when shooting doubles.
6. No tracking birds from behind shooters or birds on another shooter.
7. Maximum shot size 1 1/8 ounce, 7.5 shot, 3 dram load.
8. Do not pick up hulls of other shooters.
9. Do not load your gun when a safety cone is on top of the trap house.
10. No alcoholic beverages allowed in trap range area. Intoxicated shooters will no be permitted to shoot and will be expelled from the trap range.
11. Shooters are responsible for picking up their spent shotgun shells.
12. No shooting on American Legion Post 10 lands unless a range operator is present.
13. The range operator's decision is final on all matters involving the enforcement of these rules and on issues involving the safe operation of the range.
14. Your safety is our greatest concern; therefore the range operator may remove from the firing line, without refund, and expel from the trap range area any individual who violates any of these rules. Please abide by these rules and report any violations of these rules to the range operator.
15. These range rules are issued by the American Legion Post 10 House Committee on March 15, 2005. They are subject to change at the discretion of the House Committee without notice.